Time for the US Post Office to shut down permanently

I am sorry if you work for the US Post office, but after trying 3 different post offices to get a passport, All of them are completely useless. They don’t answer the phone, no way to leave a message or there is no one there to handle passports during the hours posted. Time for the […]

Age/Generation limit on being a gentleman?

After an experience tonight, and a few others in the past, I think being a gentlemen seems to need a cut off any more. Maybe along the lines of a “respectable” age of a girl to date ((your age/2)+7). Course it could just be I am getting old and need to start shouting at the […]

My first post…

From my new iPad. Other than my friends never reading my blog, this is much more fun than FriendFace. The wordpress app makes updating so easy.

Going to give it a shot, Code Year 2012

Learned this weekend from a friend about Code Academy starting a free online programming tutorial using javascript. Personally I have avoided programming in the past short of learning some perl and shell scripting to make my life as a SysAdmin easier. Figured I would give it a shot and maybe shoot to get a work […]

Phisher’s always getting Crafty

Got a forwarded email from my mom today about an email saying she was over her quota on her email account. She didn’t think it was real, but I figured I would poke at it. Basically it is just a form document on Google Docs spreadsheet app. I guess this was only a matter of […]