Script for making X11 forwarding and sudo/su easier

Got tired of trying to explain to users /cough/dba’s/cough/ how to use X11 forwarding in conjunction w/ sudo/su and finally sat down and created this little script that to generate output that just needs to be copied before using sudo/su and pasted afterwards. So far it seems to work pretty well. This has been […]

Comcast just pleasantly surprised me

Been putting off calling up Comcast to get the PTR record changed for mail server due to my innate slacking nature and my dread of dealing w/ Comcast support. After my past experiences getting my service and then upgrading it from 1 to 5 static IP’s I would end up sitting on hold forever and […]

Not everything Apple sells is overpriced

Well, Maybe not cheap… but selling a 1.8M HDMI cable for $19.99 is really cheap since most off/name brand cables you can buy from the mainstream stores sells for $49.99-$99.99+. Yes, I know if you poke around a Fry’s or online you can get off-brand HDMI cables for ~$7.99. Just amazed the “Apple” branding didn’t […]