Moving to greater and bigger things…

So part of growing into a bigger family also requires moving into a bigger house. For 10+ years I have been running my own mail server out of my apartment and then house. Now I am currently trying to sell my house and move into a new home. This “would” normally cause me to loose […]

Script for making X11 forwarding and sudo/su easier

Got tired of trying to explain to users /cough/dba’s/cough/ how to use X11 forwarding in conjunction w/ sudo/su and finally sat down and created this little script that to generate output that just needs to be copied before using sudo/su and pasted afterwards. So far it seems to work pretty well. This has been […]

Phisher’s always getting Crafty

Got a forwarded email from my mom today about an email saying she was over her quota on her email account. She didn’t think it was real, but I figured I would poke at it. Basically it is just a form document on Google Docs spreadsheet app. I guess this was only a matter of […]

Not everything Apple sells is overpriced

Well, Maybe not cheap… but selling a 1.8M HDMI cable for $19.99 is really cheap since most off/name brand cables you can buy from the mainstream stores sells for $49.99-$99.99+. Yes, I know if you poke around a Fry’s or online you can get off-brand HDMI cables for ~$7.99. Just amazed the “Apple” branding didn’t […]