Moving to greater and bigger things…

So part of growing into a bigger family also requires moving into a bigger house. For 10+ years I have been running my own mail server out of my apartment and then house. Now I am currently trying to sell my house and move into a new home. This “would” normally cause me to loose my email and website… email being the bigger one… so I finally took the plunge and moved my services to the “cloud” using a Lightsail server in AWS. Turns out it is “cheaper” and I still get a system to bang on. This also includes the fact now when I loose power I still have access to email which is a nice benefit. Will see over time how this goes.


Biggest issue w/ the move was trying to do it from scratch on an updated system, ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04, and while I was suppose to be packing up my current house to put it on the market. Took me a lot longer than I would of like due to silly issues w/ changes to postfix and the LightWord theme I was using on this site. Seems there was minor changes to postfix/dovecot or it was cause I was using postfixadmin this time around and LightWord Theme seems to blow up when upgrading to php 7.2 and is not longer readily available.


PS: Also, At some point I will more than likely moving this site to my new domain at some point. Not sure how I will move it, but it will happen unless I decide to keep this one around for some reason.