Got bored…

Well, It is that time of year again and Dragon Con is here, Sadly I am still unable to participate to the full extent that I want to so to try to distract myself I decided to fix all the annoying issues on personal website.

For those who come here regularly… /snicker… You will notice I now have a “valid” cert for my website. It is free, but I have to update it every 30 days which isn’t too bad. Currently using for this. Was very painless and I am not too worried about my stuff being decrypted by “state” actors.

Also finally got around to fixing my web based mail server… Sadly it was due to me locking down dovecot and apache just a “little” bit too much. Once I loosened the security a little bit it is now up and running again. Even better since I stripped out all the broken plug-in cruft that hasn’t be kept up to date.

Going back to why I am do this, It seems stuff that can go wrong goes wrong.

  • Step off a 2ft wall and break my heal w/ the achilles tendon pulling a chuck out of the bone.
  • This led to surgery to fix that “unusual” break/tear/rupture.
  • The surgery then led to me getting an infection during the healing so it slowed down the healing and me missing the GA Ren Fest.
  • Ended up w/ a blot clot in my calf due to all the inactivity required w/ the bum foot.
  • Ended up w/ the infection coming back… Again… Or maybe it just wasn’t gone the first time. This time they put a PICC line in me so I could get IV based antibiotics at home. This pretty much killed my desire to try to go to my cousins summer party. I pretty much live for this week off every year to see friends and family I only get to see once a year.
  • Still not healing even w/ the infection down. Seems there was also some sutures in used in my tendon to hold it together while it healed where “annoying” my skin. This was keeping a wound about 1.5cm by 1.5cm from healing. Once it was removed… It started to heal, but sadly not in time for me to be back to walking and going to Dragon Con, my second favorite event of the year.
  • And to kick this all off… The small wound we thought was healing finally turns out it may also be an issue w/ a suture and they may have to go digging around for it since it is smaller if it doesn’t heal. UGHHHHH…. Such a tease. Looks all good and scabby and then bam, back to not so good.

So yeah, Just one simple step has caused all this. I know there are lots of people in the world a lot worse off than me, but for me this just sucks and I am tired of it. I mean, I was fine w/ the 2-3 month full recovery time before. But here I am 5 months later and still in the “healing” phase, not even to recovery… But I fixed all the issues w/ my person site though at least.

I am thankful for all the time and effort my wonderful girlfriend and mother have put into trying to make this better for me. W/o them caring for me when I couldn’t even get out of bed other than to go to the bathroom… which was scary, driving me to my doctors appointments all over the place. Right now I have 3 doctors along w/ a nurse for the PICC line. That is 2-4 appointments a week.

Will see how much more bored I get, Maybe I will use this time to try out one of the photo gallery plug-in’s to post all the wonderful pictures of this process I have collected.